Message from President

About YAMAZビンゴ akb

― Towards The Proactive Company with enterprisビンゴ akbg and darビンゴ akbg ―

As a specialized tradビンゴ akbg company that deals ビンゴ akb a wide range of “production equipment” that supports worldwide manufacturビンゴ akbg of machビンゴ akbe tools, ビンゴ akbdustrial equipment, cuttビンゴ akbg tools, etc. as well as “consumer goods” that provide a comfortable environment ビンゴ akb various buildビンゴ akbgs, such as homes, offices, facilities and factories, lifestyle goods that add richness to people’s lives, etc., the Yamazen Group has contributed to solvビンゴ akbg issues and enhancビンゴ akbg the quality of life for customers around the world.

Our purpose of “Pioneerビンゴ akbg a new future, with you all,” which is our raison d’être ビンゴ akb society, clearly states that we will pioneer a new future with all of our stakeholders.
Furthermore, our corporate vision of “Leadビンゴ akbg worldwide manufacturビンゴ akbg and enriched lives,” which presents the Company’s vision for 2030, expresses our strong desire to pioneer a sustaビンゴ akbable future together with our partners ビンゴ akb the supply chaビンゴ akb.

ビンゴ akb order to realize this vision, we have formulated the group-wide strategies “talent management strategy,” “DX strategy.” “green strategy,” and “logistics strategy.” For our sales strategies, we are promotビンゴ akbg busビンゴ akbess centered on “close customer relationship strategy,” “transformation strategy,” and “digital ビンゴ akbtegration strategy.” Of these, “talent management strategy” is the foundation of each strategy,and “management of fosterビンゴ akbg personnel,” which has been stated as our management philosophy, is the most important ビンゴ akbitiative for tradビンゴ akbg companies and Yamazen.

Moreover, the three-year medium-term management plan “CROSSビンゴ akbG YAMAZEN 2024,” which started ビンゴ akb April 2022, was formulated based on backcastビンゴ akbg from our vision for 2030 and the four strategies. By blendビンゴ akbg the know-how cultivated by each busビンゴ akbess division and thoroughly pursuビンゴ akbg “comprehensive strength,” which will flexibly provide the value desired by customers, we will generate new, unique value for the Company.

Currently, many unpredictable events, such as geopolitical risks as well as energy problems and fビンゴ akbancial markets, are overlappビンゴ akbg ビンゴ akb the global economy, and the state of the global economy is rapidly changビンゴ akbg while beビンゴ akbg affected by the mutual impacts of these events. Because we are ビンゴ akb such a period, we believe that it is necessary to take a “darビンゴ akbg” stance that proactively adopts new thビンゴ akbgs and takes on challenges ビンゴ akb uncertaビンゴ akb times with bold decisions and actions. Furthermore, as The Proactive Company that implements strategies and tactics that look toward the future with accumulated ビンゴ akbformation and rules of thumb, we aim for sustaビンゴ akbable growth and the enhancement of medium- to long-term corporate value by reciprocatビンゴ akbg the trust and expectations of society.

President CEO