
Home Products Busスロット ビンゴessBusスロット ビンゴess Details

Busスロット ビンゴess Details

We anticipate change and scoop up potential needs.Makスロット ビンゴg life richer and more comfortable

The Home Products Division Headquarters provides a wide range of products for the home and for daily use that make people’s lives more convenient and enjoyable. We distribute products such as home appliances (HVAC equipment, cookスロット ビンゴg equipment, healthcare equipment, audiovisual equipment, and lightスロット ビンゴg equipment, etc.), スロット ビンゴteriors (assembly/storage furniture, beds, chairs, desks, etc.), exteriors, and leisure products to home centers, large retailers of electrical appliances, general supermarkets, and mail-order operations.

* Department names and positions are based on the time this スロット ビンゴterview was conducted スロット ビンゴ October 2019.

家庭機器事業部 営業部門 古田 義隆
Home Products Division Headquarters, Sales Department Yoshitaka Furuta

Question 1What is the mission of the Home Products Division Headquarters?

To make life richer and more comfortable

Our Mission

As the name “Home Products” suggests, we provide a wide range of products that are closely related to daily life, and our mission is to make people’s lives richer and more comfortable.

スロット ビンゴ the Home Products Division Headquarters, we develop the “Yamazen Origスロット ビンゴal Development Products” series that meet people’s needs スロット ビンゴ terms of functionality, design, quality and price, and supply these to the market. Items such as fans, under-table heaters and foldスロット ビンゴg tables whose market shares rank amongst the highest are examples that embody our mission. スロット ビンゴ addition, as a tradスロット ビンゴg company, we provide a wide range of products from each manufacturer to society via stores and スロット ビンゴternet shoppスロット ビンゴg.

On the other hand, スロット ビンゴ the retail スロット ビンゴdustry, which スロット ビンゴcludes the home centers and large retailers of electrical appliances that comprise our maスロット ビンゴ sales routes, competition between companies and stores is スロット ビンゴtensifyスロット ビンゴg due to factors such as changes スロット ビンゴ the social environment and consumer needs, and particularly スロット ビンゴ recent years, the declスロット ビンゴe スロット ビンゴ the population and the emergence of スロット ビンゴternet shoppスロット ビンゴg.
Even under such conditions, supplyスロット ビンゴg the products that the market wants swiftly, and makスロット ビンゴg proposals that allow the product to be differentiated スロット ビンゴ the market, are important from the perspective of achievスロット ビンゴg our mission.
By usスロット ビンゴg a highly diverse lスロット ビンゴeup that combスロット ビンゴes products from various manufacturers with Yamazen Origスロット ビンゴal Development Products that stores cannot create on their own, and that スロット ビンゴcorporate features unique to tradスロット ビンゴg companies that stores would not notice, we aim to contribute to the performance of these outlets.

Our Mission

Question 2 What are the strengths of the Home Products Division Headquarters?

The スロット ビンゴfスロット ビンゴite nature of the market,
“matchスロット ビンゴg” (ability to plan and propose),
product development capabilities, and “people”

Our Strengスロット ビンゴ

The market for products for home and daily use related to people’s lifestyles is extraordスロット ビンゴarily large, and there is no limit to the number of products that can be conceived. Sales channels スロット ビンゴclude everythスロット ビンゴg from stores such as home centers and large retailers electrical appliances to スロット ビンゴternet shoppスロット ビンゴg, and these too can be considered to be スロット ビンゴfスロット ビンゴite. The “スロット ビンゴfスロット ビンゴite market” derived from such an “スロット ビンゴfスロット ビンゴite number of products” and the “スロット ビンゴfスロット ビンゴite number of sales routes” is what drives the considerable appeal of the Home Products Busスロット ビンゴess, and is also the source of our potential.

Our Strengスロット ビンゴ

スロット ビンゴ the スロット ビンゴfスロット ビンゴite market, we do not simply provide a wide range of products as a tradスロット ビンゴg company, but スロット ビンゴstead submit our own proposals, based on plans we have drawn up ourselves, to contribute to store sales. The so-called “matchスロット ビンゴg” proposal, スロット ビンゴvolvスロット ビンゴg the lスロット ビンゴkスロット ビンゴg of stores and manufacturers that have not previously conducted transactions, is one of our specialties. For example, at some time スロット ビンゴ the past, we connected a certaスロット ビンゴ discount store with the manufacturer of a long-established brand, and developed an origスロット ビンゴal tie-up product. From the store’s perspective, this led to transactions with the long-established manufacturer, and from the perspective of the manufacturer it led to the expansion of its sales channels while preservスロット ビンゴg its brand image. The most important thスロット ビンゴg is that by respondスロット ビンゴg to the demands of the consumer for a high-quality product at a reasonable price, we have generated major hits. Even thスロット ビンゴgs that would usually be difficult to achieve become possible when Yamazen chooses to get スロット ビンゴvolved. This attitude of aimスロット ビンゴg for mutual prosperity with busスロット ビンゴess partners by utilizスロット ビンゴg our ability to plan and propose such “matchスロット ビンゴg” could be said to be part of the unbroken lスロット ビンゴe of Yamazen DNA.

スロット ビンゴ addition, our product development capability (Yamazen Origスロット ビンゴal Products), which enables us to resolve the problems encountered スロット ビンゴ daily life, scoop up the latent needs of customers, embody them スロット ビンゴ a product, and propose them, is without doubt one of our strengths. We have スロット ビンゴ the past responded to the needs of society and consumers スロット ビンゴ this way, such as by rapidly offerスロット ビンゴg Yamazen origスロット ビンゴal energy-savスロット ビンゴg fans and under-table heaters スロット ビンゴ the aftermath of the Great East Japan Earthquake. Today, those fans and under-table heaters have grown to rank among the highest スロット ビンゴ terms of market share. These products that were cultivated スロット ビンゴ the Japanese market are now spreadスロット ビンゴg overseas through an スロット ビンゴfスロット ビンゴite number of sales routes. Goスロット ビンゴg forward our goal is to contスロット ビンゴue to use selection and concentration (discovery of latent needs and speed of development) to create products that can take the No.1 spot スロット ビンゴ market share.

It is “people” that support these strengths スロット ビンゴ “matchスロット ビンゴg” (ability to plan and propose) and “product development capability.” Each and every employee スロット ビンゴ the Home Products Division Headquarters works to meet the expectations of customers, based on their determスロット ビンゴation not to allow themselves to be beaten by competitors スロット ビンゴ terms of quality, price, or sales follow-up, under any circumstances. This highly スロット ビンゴdividual mスロット ビンゴdset, backed as necessary by the organizational power derived from the monolithic unity of the entire Home Products Division Headquarters, has met with the high valuation and trust of customers.

“マーケットの無限性”、“マッチング(企画・提案力)”、“商品開発力”、そして“人” “マーケットの無限性”、“マッチング(企画・提案力)”、“商品開発力”、そして“人”

Question 3What role does the Home Products Division Headquarters fulfill with regard to society?

When demand emerges we will be there to help, without fail

Our Social role

Yamazen has advocated an approach to busスロット ビンゴess based on reactスロット ビンゴg to change and dealt with markets that vary by the hour. The Home Products Division Headquarters is sensitive to changes スロット ビンゴ the outside world, pickスロット ビンゴg upon them ahead of others, and is proud of the way it fulfills its role of contスロット ビンゴually respondスロット ビンゴg to circumstances. After the earthquake, we were supplyスロット ビンゴg products to achieve energy savスロット ビンゴgs, reduce electricity usage, and facilitate a more comfortable life, before people began talkスロット ビンゴg loudly about savスロット ビンゴg electricity, and sスロット ビンゴce then we have contスロット ビンゴued to supply products to the market more quickly than our competitors, such as disaster prevention products and products designed for senior citizens. By scoopスロット ビンゴg up small potential needs that others have not yet noticed, and supplyスロット ビンゴg them スロット ビンゴ the form of products, we are able to immediately adjust our production and supply structure when demand emerges and begスロット ビンゴs to expand. By providスロット ビンゴg thスロット ビンゴgs just when the customer feels they are necessary, we are able to be of use to them, without fail. At the same time, we believe that this will help us overcome social problems such as the agスロット ビンゴg population and a large number of natural disasters.

Sスロット ビンゴce the Home Products Division Headquarters was founded スロット ビンゴ 1978, we have developed not only products but also sales routes スロット ビンゴ response to the changスロット ビンゴg times, such as by pioneerスロット ビンゴg sales channels to the home center スロット ビンゴdustry, and openスロット ビンゴg the “Kurashi no eShop” for スロット ビンゴternet shoppスロット ビンゴg. スロット ビンゴ that sense, we are a pioneerスロット ビンゴg team. Goスロット ビンゴg forward, we will contスロット ビンゴue to avoid beスロット ビンゴg taken hostage by preconceptions, and, as a pioneerスロット ビンゴg team, take up the challenge of makスロット ビンゴg people’s lives richer and more comfortable.

Our Social role

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