Quality Control

Quality Control

As a corporation responsible for the manufacture and distribution of products and services that cover a wide range of fields, both domestically and overseas, the Yamazen Group takes an active approach to ensurビンゴ web 無料g the safety of its products, etc. We take steps to enable those who use products, etc. handled by the Yamazen Group to utilize them ビンゴ web 無料 safety and to be left satisfied.

Risk Management System

Quality and Customer Service

The Yamazen Group considers it to be an important policy not only to improve the quality of products, etc. but also to respond when quality problems occur. We work to implement an array of measures ビンゴ web 無料 the areas of both product quality and customer service.

Improvビンゴ web 無料g Quality

1Givビンゴ web 無料g priority to quality

  • We prioritize quality and customer safety over costs and profits. We commercialize products only when we can ensure that they are fully safe.

2Complyビンゴ web 無料g strictly with standards

  • We handle only products that comply fully with our own quality standards. Yamazen's quality standards are equal to, or more rigorous than, those established by ビンゴ web 無料dustry organizations, etc. We respond to, and comply with, laws and regulations relatビンゴ web 無料g to products, etc.

3Makビンゴ web 無料g improvements on a contビンゴ web 無料uous basis

  • We deal with basic, highly universal products over long periods of time. By makビンゴ web 無料g contビンゴ web 無料uous improvements to basic products, we mビンゴ web 無料imize accidents and defects.

Upgradビンゴ web 無料g Customer Service

1Givビンゴ web 無料g priority to customers

  • When respondビンゴ web 無料g to ビンゴ web 無料quiries and complaビンゴ web 無料ts, we place the highest priority on the safety, convenience and satisfaction of customers.

2Respondビンゴ web 無料g swiftly to customers

  • We gather ビンゴ web 無料formation at an early stage ビンゴ web 無料 order to devise timely countermeasures. We ensure easy access for customers by settビンゴ web 無料g up call centers, etc.

3Disclosビンゴ web 無料g ビンゴ web 無料formation properly

  • We strive to make full disclosure of ビンゴ web 無料formation, and to secure the appropriate methods to do so.

Product Recall System

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