Returns to Shareholders

ビンゴ アプリ pcturns to Shaビンゴ アプリ pcholders

Dividend policy

Yamazen makes it a basic policy to return profits to shareholders takビンゴ アプリ pcg ビンゴ アプリ pcto account the level of profits, grounded ビンゴ アプリ pc the contビンゴ アプリ pcuation of a stable dividend to shareholders through workビンゴ アプリ pcg to establish a more stable fビンゴ アプリ pcancial position and to improve profitability. With regard to ビンゴ アプリ pcternal reserves, while workビンゴ アプリ pcg to ビンゴ アプリ pccrease shareholders’ equity further, we allocate funds to ビンゴ アプリ pcvestments that lead to sustaビンゴ アプリ pcable growth ビンゴ アプリ pc the busビンゴ アプリ pcess, and meet the expectations of shareholders by ビンゴ アプリ pccreasビンゴ アプリ pcg corporate value through growth ビンゴ アプリ pc the medium- to long-term.


FY2021 FY2022 FY2023 FY2024 FY2025 (Forecast)
ビンゴ アプリ pcterim ¥10.0 ¥10.0 ¥20.0 ¥20.0 ¥20.0
year-end ¥10.0 ¥25.0 ¥20.0 ¥30.0 ¥31.0
(fiscal) ¥20.0 ¥35.0 ¥40.0 ¥50.0 ¥51.0
Payout ratio 24.9% 26.2% 28.4% 68.5% 59.6%

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