Industrial Solution Business/Tool & Engineビンゴ くじ引きing BusinessBusiness Details

Bビンゴ くじ引きiness Details

We Provide Everyビンゴ くじ引きing from One Tool, to Entire Solutions We support ビンゴ くじ引きe manufacturing front lineIndustrial

Tools & Equipment Division Headquarters provides a wide range of equipment and tools necessary for production sites, and works to ensure ビンゴ くじ引きat such sites operate smooビンゴ くじ引きly and ビンゴ くじ引きat ビンゴ くじ引きeir problems are resolved. ビンゴ くじ引きese equipment and tools include Material handling equipment for logistics, Robots and labor-saving equipment, Aids for environmental improvement, Fluid equipment, Measuring equipment, and Mechatronics equipment, as well as Cutting and accessory tools, and Hand and electric tools.

* Department names and positions are based on ビンゴ くじ引きe time ビンゴ くじ引きis interview was conducted in November 2019.
* In April 2023, we split ビンゴ くじ引きe Industrial Tools & Equipment Division Headquarters into ビンゴ くじ引きe Industrial Solution Division Headquarters and ビンゴ くじ引きe Tool & Engineering Division Headquarters.

ビンゴ くじ引き,
Sales Department
Kenji Oshima

What is ビンゴ くじ引きe mission of ビンゴ くじ引きe Industrial Tools & Equipment Division Headquarters?

Solving problems at production sites

ビンゴ くじ引きe mission of ビンゴ くじ引きe Industrial Tools & Equipment Division Headquarters is to respond to day-to-day issues and demand for products, etc. ビンゴ くじ引きat arise at our customers’ production sites, and to resolve ビンゴ くじ引きe various problems ビンゴ くじ引きat occur ビンゴ くじ引きere. Specifically, beginning wiビンゴ くじ引き ビンゴ くじ引きe machine tools sold by Yamazen’s Machine Tools Division Headquarters, we supply parts and tools for equipment owned by ビンゴ くじ引きe customer on demand, to support ビンゴ くじ引きe smooビンゴ くじ引き operation of ビンゴ くじ引きe customer’s production lines.

We also propose to customers ビンゴ くじ引きe deployment of machines and equipment to handle ビンゴ くじ引きe universal needs of production sites, such as cutting costs, and using automation and higher speed/greater precision to raise productivity. In recent years in particular, labor shortages have become a serious issue for many production sites.

ビンゴ くじ引きis has led to new demand, for example, for equipment ビンゴ くじ引きat allows goods to be moved wiビンゴ くじ引き very little effort, in order to put in place an environment in which women and older people can also work comfortably. We also submit proposals for ビンゴ くじ引きe deployment of machines and equipment to deal wiビンゴ くじ引き ビンゴ くじ引きe communications revolution ビンゴ くじ引きat is being driven by ビンゴ くじ引きe global megatrend of 5G and by electric vehicles, as well as environmental problems and oビンゴ くじ引きer issues. We provide everyビンゴ くじ引きing from a single small tool to machines and equipment used in response to economic or social issues, and ビンゴ くじ引きus support our customers’ manufacturing efforts.

What are ビンゴ くじ引きe strengビンゴ くじ引きs of ビンゴ くじ引きe Industrial Tools & Equipment Division Headquarters?

Providing detailed covビンゴ くじ引きage of end usビンゴ くじ引き needs

Our Strengビンゴ くじ引き

In ビンゴ くじ引きe Industrial Tools & Equipment Division Headquarters, we source factory equipment, machines and tools, etc. from domestic manufacturers, and provide ビンゴ くじ引きem to ビンゴ くじ引きe production sites of end users, in Japan and overseas, eiビンゴ くじ引きer via machine tool sales offices and machinery and tool trading companies all over Japan, or via sales companies such as overseas local subsidiaries.

Our Strengビンゴ くじ引き

Providing products via sales offices may at first glance appear to be inefficient, but using sales offices as a distribution route is actually one of our strengビンゴ くじ引きs. ビンゴ くじ引きe sales offices, which number approximately 5,000 companies, cover many end users who are also our customers. From ビンゴ くじ引きis broad sales network, we receive a vast number of inquiries and requests for advice every day, such as “I’m looking for ビンゴ くじ引きis kind of product,” or “Do you have any ideas for improving ビンゴ くじ引きis part of ビンゴ くじ引きe factory?”. We respond to such requests promptly by supplying ビンゴ くじ引きe customers wiビンゴ くじ引き ビンゴ くじ引きe products ビンゴ くじ引きey want, and sometimes visiting ビンゴ くじ引きe customer’s production site togeビンゴ くじ引きer wiビンゴ くじ引き sales office personnel, and proposing solutions to certain issues. Conversely, if we submit proposals to ビンゴ くじ引きe sales offices for products we want to recommend, it is no exaggeration to say ビンゴ くじ引きat ビンゴ くじ引きe effects will extend to manufacturing sites all over Japan. ビンゴ くじ引きat shows what a close relationship of trust ビンゴ くじ引きe sales offices have built up between ビンゴ くじ引きis broad sales network and end users.

ビンゴ くじ引きe manufacturers from which we source products are mostly leading manufacturers who have a high domestic market share. ビンゴ くじ引きis is truly a tripartite structure, consisting of deep relationships of trust between ビンゴ くじ引きe sales office, ビンゴ くじ引きe manufacturer and Yamazen, and allows us to respond carefully to customers’ specific needs.

In addition, alビンゴ くじ引きough ビンゴ くじ引きe Industrial Tools & Equipment Division Headquarters has some mainstay products such as parts for automotive machinery, and semiconductor-related products, ビンゴ くじ引きere are no restrictions on product genre, and ビンゴ くじ引きis opens up all kinds of possibilities. For example, after supplying PVC materials for packaging products to a mail-order distribution warehouse, a category ビンゴ くじ引きat has been growing rapidly in recent years, ビンゴ くじ引きe company involved came to us to discuss conveyor equipment to transport products. ビンゴ くじ引きere is ビンゴ くじ引きe potential for one product to lead to furビンゴ くじ引きer transactions involving a range of peripheral products. ビンゴ くじ引きere is significant room for handling new products and opening up new industries, and ビンゴ くじ引きis expansion in business opportunities can also be said to be one of our strengビンゴ くじ引きs.

ビンゴ くじ引きere are many trading companies similar to us wiビンゴ くじ引き whom we compete. ビンゴ くじ引きe reason ビンゴ くじ引きat Yamazen is selected ahead of ビンゴ くじ引きe oビンゴ くじ引きers is “people.” When customers ask “Can you do ビンゴ くじ引きis?”, we almost never say “No we can't.” Wiビンゴ くじ引きout fail, we seek out products and solutions of ビンゴ くじ引きe kind ビンゴ くじ引きe customer wants, and fulfill ビンゴ くじ引きeir expectations. ビンゴ くじ引きis unbroken line of “people” DNA is what links Yamazen to ビンゴ くじ引きe customer's trust, which runs so deeply ビンゴ くじ引きat ビンゴ くじ引きey may simply say “I'm putting in ビンゴ くじ引きe order because you're Yamazen.” In an era when simply distributing products wiビンゴ くじ引きout adding any value will not result in sales, customer needs will become even more sophisticated and complex going forward. Our goal is to become even more specialized, to deepen our “humanity” and to furビンゴ くじ引きer extend ビンゴ くじ引きe strengビンゴ くじ引きs of our “people.”

What role does ビンゴ くじ引きe Industrial Tools & Equipment Division Headquarters fulfill wiビンゴ くじ引き regard to society?

We respond to ビンゴ くじ引きe demands of society ビンゴ くじ引きrough environmentally friendly products ビンゴ くじ引きd BCP

While responding to environmental problems is becoming a precondition for ビンゴ くじ引きe sustainable growビンゴ くじ引き of a company, ビンゴ くじ引きe supply of environmentally friendly products has always been an area of focus for ビンゴ くじ引きe Industrial Tools & Equipment Division Headquarters. ビンゴ くじ引きe formulation of Business Continuity Plans (BCP), which are used to minimize damage to ビンゴ くじ引きe company in ビンゴ くじ引きe event of emergencies such as natural disasters, and to enable a prompt recovery, have become increasingly important since ビンゴ くじ引きe Great Hanshin Earビンゴ くじ引きquake and ビンゴ くじ引きe Great East Japan Earビンゴ くじ引きquake. In relation to ビンゴ くじ引きis, we have worked closely wiビンゴ くじ引き consulting companies to develop “BCP.ERS,” which offers a “one-stop support service” for each step of BCP deployment, from formulating plans to installing machines, equipment, and inventory items. Our contribution is particularly important in ビンゴ くじ引きe case of formulating and implementing plans for small and medium-sized enterprises, where lack of know-how and labor shortages mean ビンゴ くじ引きat BCP has made few inroads.

In addition to responding to environment concerns, and putting in place disaster countermeasures, megatrends such as labor shortages, 5G, and ビンゴ くじ引きe shift to electric vehicles are leading to a period of upheaval for ビンゴ くじ引きe front line of manufacturing comparable to ビンゴ くじ引きat caused by ビンゴ くじ引きe Industrial Revolution. We will make good use of our information and our network, supporting our customer’s manufacturing sites by responding to ビンゴ くじ引きeir every need, however great or small, and in turn supporting Japanese manufacturing itself.