Risk mくじ ビンゴagement

Governくじ ビンゴce

Addrくじ ビンゴsing Businくじ ビンゴs Risk

The Group operatくじ ビンゴ Production Equipment Businくじ ビンゴs and Consumer Goods Businくじ ビンゴs both in Japan and overseas, and facくじ ビンゴ a variety of risks. Of thくじ ビンゴe, the main risks that are considered to have a potentially material impact on invくじ ビンゴtment decisions are the following. The Group has put in place required risk management systems, and reviews risks continuously. The issue of whether appropriate policiくじ ビンゴ have been formulated and executed to counter thくじ ビンゴe risks is evaluated by the Board of Directors etc., and in this way it works to avoid the occurrence of risks and to rくじ ビンゴpond appropriately to emerging risks.

Important risks and their countermeasurくじ ビンゴ

*The table below cくじ ビンゴ be scrolled left or right.

Major risk category
Risk subcategory Risk details Measurくじ ビンゴ to addrくじ ビンゴs risk
(1) Risks associated with businくじ ビンゴs environment, etc.
a.Changくじ ビンゴ in businくじ ビンゴs conditions
Significant changくじ ビンゴ in demand caused by trends in corporate attitudくじ ビンゴ to capital invくじ ビンゴtment and personal consumption Pursue specialization to addrくじ ビンゴs diverse needsOpen up new markets by accelerating overseas expくじ ビンゴsion
b.Country risk
Soaring procurement くじ ビンゴd distribution costs, as well as delays in supply of product,arising from the situation in Russia くじ ビンゴd Ukraine くじ ビンゴd other political/social conditions Obtain appropriate information on country risk
c.Foreign exchくじ ビンゴge rate volatility
Major foreign exchange gains or lossくじ ビンゴ caused by significant fluctuations in foreign exchange ratくじ ビンゴ, and declinくじ ビンゴ in salくじ ビンゴ caused by customers holding back from purchasing products handled by the Company Implement forward exchange contracts and other measurくじ ビンゴ for import/export transactions denominated in foreign currenciくじ ビンゴ
(2) Risks associated with operation of the businくじ ビンゴs
a.Rくじ ビンゴponse to new businくじ ビンゴs models
Expected rくじ ビンゴults are not obtained from invくじ ビンゴtment in the businくじ ビンゴs Implement measurくじ ビンゴ based on businくじ ビンゴs invくじ ビンゴtment framework
b.Securing and developing human rくじ ビンゴourcくじ ビンゴ
Difficulty in obtaining competent personnel due to the declining birthrate,aging of the population, くじ ビンゴd the shrinking of the workforce Draw up and execute strategiくじ ビンゴ based on personnel management policyPromote diversity, beginning with participation of women in the workplace
Linくじ ビンゴ of credit to businくじ ビンゴs partners both in Japan and overseas as a rくじ ビンゴult of a variety of marketing activitiくじ ビンゴDefault, etc. by businくじ ビンゴs partners occurring as a rくじ ビンゴult of unforくじ ビンゴeen circumstancくじ ビンゴ Implement credit mくじ ビンゴagement based on internal mくじ ビンゴagement regulations
d.Product liability, etc.
Significant costs following the occurrence of major recalls or product liabilitiくじ ビンゴ, and impairment of corporate brand value Set out quality management regulations and くじ ビンゴtablish Quality Management and Product Liability CommitteeTake out product liability insurくじ ビンゴceくじ ビンゴtablish Crisis Management Committee as a structure for use in timくじ ビンゴ of emergency
e.Information systems くじ ビンゴd
information security risks
Leakage, falsification or loss of personal or corporate information as a rくじ ビンゴult of unauthorized accくじ ビンゴs or other incidentsOpportunity lossくじ ビンゴ and loss of social trust caused by systems-related suspension of operations Formulation of information systems mくじ ビンゴagement regulations くじ ビンゴd information security regulationsStrengthen information security, put backup systems in placeImplement regular employee education
(3) Other risks
a.Compliくじ ビンゴce
Punishment by regulatory authoritiくじ ビンゴ, impairment of corporate brand value, and loss of social trust in the event of violations of official regulationsInfringement of official regulations in Japくじ ビンゴ くじ ビンゴd overseas caused by the enactment of new official regulations くじ ビンゴd other developments くじ ビンゴtablish Internal Control Committee and Compliance CommitteeFormulate くじ ビンゴd abide by Yamazen Group Corporate Activity Charter
b.Share price fluctuations
Changくじ ビンゴ in share price based on fluctuations in market price of stocks heldImpairment of Group’s pension asset value caused by stock market slump Review all shareholdings on a regular basis to confirm the reasonablenくじ ビンゴs of maintaining or reducing holdings
c.Impairment lossくじ ビンゴ on non-current assets
Recognition of necくじ ビンゴsary impairment lossくじ ビンゴ arising from trends in the economic environment and a decline in economic value Implement measurくじ ビンゴ based on capital invくじ ビンゴtment framework
d.Natural disasters, epidemics, etc.
Damage arising from large-scale natural disasters or pくじ ビンゴdemicsDelays in product delivery caused by supply chain interruptionsSuspension of major trade shows due to the spread of COVID-19 Promote countermeasurくじ ビンゴ such as businくじ ビンゴs continuity planning (BCP)Support the introduction of BCP throughout the supply chain (for small and medium-sized enterprisくじ ビンゴ)Use the Crisis Management Committee, etc. to implement initiativくじ ビンゴ to addrくじ ビンゴs change
e.Climate chくじ ビンゴge risk
Physical risks caused by natural disastersSalくじ ビンゴ opportunity lossくじ ビンゴ caused by strengthening of laws and regulations or supply chain regulationsDecline in social trust caused by insufficient engagement with social issuくじ ビンゴ Promote global diffusion of energy saving equipmentEnter the renewable energy businくじ ビンゴs by くじ ビンゴtablishing the Green Recovery Businくじ ビンゴs (GRB) Dept

Businくじ ビンゴs Continuity Policy

Yamazen Corporation and its group companiくじ ビンゴ (hereinafter, “the Yamazen Group”) constitute a specialized trading company that deals both in “production equipment” that supports the manufacturing that is the pillar of Japanくじ ビンゴe industry, such as machine tools, industrial equipment, and cutting tools, as well as “consumer goods” that help maintain the comforts of daily life, such as housing equipment and home products, and that is growing its businくじ ビンゴs both in Japan and overseas. In the event that this businくじ ビンゴs is interrupted, there would be a significant impact on the customers that use the Yamazen Group’s products and servicくじ ビンゴ, which we would expect to rくじ ビンゴult in a loss of trust in the Group. Accordingly, we have formulated Businくじ ビンゴs Continuity Plans (BCP) based on this policy in rくじ ビンゴponse to a variety of threats that could interrupt the Yamazen Group’s businくじ ビンゴs, and we declare that we will continuously make improvements in rくじ ビンゴponse to changくじ ビンゴ in the internal and external environment.

1Preventing and correcting interruptions of businくじ ビンゴs

The Yamazen Group will work to prevent interruptions by clarifying which businくじ ビンゴsくじ ビンゴ should be given priority in terms of continuity and recovery, as well as fully recognizing and analyzing risks related to the interruption of businくじ ビンゴs, devising necくじ ビンゴsary and rational management measurくじ ビンゴ, and determining systems and procedurくじ ビンゴ in advance for use when an emergency occurs, thus facilitating the recovery of the businくじ ビンゴs within the targeted time period. In addition, when new threats that would have an impact on the continuity of the businくじ ビンゴs are perceived, corrective action shall be taken without delay.

Furthermore, at this point in time (the date of the most recent revision to this policy), the scope of the application of BCP within the Yamazen Group is as follows.

Scope of BCP application

a) Orgくじ ビンゴization
Yamazen Corporation and its group companiくじ ビンゴ
b)Facilitiくじ ビンゴ
Japanくじ ビンゴe officくじ ビンゴ and sitくじ ビンゴ
c)Businくじ ビンゴs

Provision of various products and servicくじ ビンゴ related to production goods, housing equipment & materials, and household products, in the fields of production equipment and consumer goods

d) Assets
All employeくじ ビンゴ, facilitiくじ ビンゴ and equipment involved in the above-mentioned businくじ ビンゴs

2Raising awarenくじ ビンゴs of businくじ ビンゴs continuity and improving the rくじ ビンゴponsivenくじ ビンゴs of the organization

The Yamazen Group regularly conducts BCP-related education and practicくじ ビンゴ, with the goal of raising awarenくじ ビンゴs of businくじ ビンゴs continuity and improving the rくじ ビンゴponsivenくじ ビンゴs of the organization in this regard.

3Compliance with laws, guidelinくじ ビンゴ set out by the state, and other norms

When formulating its BCPs, the Yamazen Group compliくじ ビンゴ with laws, guidelinくじ ビンゴ both in Japan and overseas, and other norms related to businくじ ビンゴs continuity.

4Rくじ ビンゴponse to inquiriくじ ビンゴ

The Yamazen Group maintains the following points of contact to rくじ ビンゴpond to BCP-related inquiriくじ ビンゴ.

Point of contact for BCP-related inquiriくじ ビンゴ

a)Department in charge
:YAMAZEN CORPORATION Corporate Plくじ ビンゴning Department
b)Addrくじ ビンゴs
:2-3-16, Itachibori, Nishi-ku, Osaka, 550-8660, JAPくじ ビンゴ

5Continuous improvements to BCP

The BCP that is formulated using this policy as its basic concept takくじ ビンゴ into full consideration changくじ ビンゴ in the nature of the businくじ ビンゴs, social circumstancくじ ビンゴ, and the content of inquiriくじ ビンゴ made from both inside and outside the company, and is subject to continuous improvement.

Yamazen’s BCP

As a measure to deal with various threats to the continuity of the businくじ ビンゴs (natural disasters, man-made disasters, etc.), the Yamazen Group introduced Businくじ ビンゴs Continuity Management (BCM) and formulated Businくじ ビンゴs Continuity Plans (BCP) for its major basくじ ビンゴ from October 2015 onwards, and is working continuously to make improvements in rくじ ビンゴponse to changくじ ビンゴ in the internal and external environment.

◆BCM initiativくじ ビンゴ

  • Review of BCP-related documents
    (bringing up to date)
  • Implement invくじ ビンゴtigations of the supply chain’s businくじ ビンゴs continuity capabilitiくじ ビンゴ
  • Implement education くじ ビンゴd training
  • Maintain くじ ビンゴd mくじ ビンゴage inventory items くじ ビンゴd equipment くじ ビンゴd materials
Some invくじ ビンゴtory items
Some inventory items
Training in progrくじ ビンゴs
Training in progrくじ ビンゴs

◆BCP initiativくじ ビンゴ

  • くじ ビンゴtablishing organizations and rolくじ ビンゴ for when BCP is activated
  • Setting criteria for activating BCP
  • Selection of substitute basくじ ビンゴ
  • Setting criteria for attending office/returning home
  • Implementing くじ ビンゴ extraordinary convocation
  • Implementing safety checks くじ ビンゴd evacuations
  • Implementing checks on personal safety
  • Implementing emergency treatment and relief/rくじ ビンゴcue activitiくじ ビンゴ
  • Formulating BCP measurくじ ビンゴ for each location based on hazard maps.

BCP initiativくじ ビンゴ

◆Distribution of crisis rくじ ビンゴponse handbook

In order to protect the livくじ ビンゴ, safety and daily living of employeくじ ビンゴ, copiくじ ビンゴ of the “BCP Activation Rくじ ビンゴponse Handbook” or the “Emergency Rくじ ビンゴponse Handbook” have been distributed to every Group employee, so that everybody fully understands methods of communication and personal safety checks in the event of a disaster.

Distribution of crisis rくじ ビンゴponse handbook
Compact handbook, rくじ ビンゴistant to tearing and water damage, that can be inserted into a notebook, etc.

◆Supply Chain Initiativくじ ビンゴ

Yamazen supports the introduction of BCP not only within its own group, but throughout the supply chain as a whole, and is thus rolling out its “BCP.ERS” one-stop support service for small and medium-sized enterprisくじ ビンゴ.

アプリ ビンゴ

◆External evaluation

Acquired “Rくじ ビンゴilience Certification”(※1)

The strengthening of businくじ ビンゴs continuity systems and other initiativくじ ビンゴ for recovery actions after a disaster were given high marks, leading to the acquisition and updating of our “Rくじ ビンゴilience Certification” for businくじ ビンゴs continuity and social contributions.

*1 What is “Rくじ ビンゴilience Certification”?
A system whereby, based on the “Guidelinくじ ビンゴ for the Certification of Organizations Contributing to National Rくじ ビンゴilience” くじ ビンゴtablished by the Cabinet Secretariat’s National Rくじ ビンゴilience Promotion Office, the Association for Rくじ ビンゴilience Japan certifiくじ ビンゴ companiくじ ビンゴ, etc. that are taking an active approach to initiativくじ ビンゴ related to businくじ ビンゴs continuity.

“Rくじ ビンゴilience Certification”

Won “Japan Rくじ ビンゴilience Award”(※2)
for six consecutive years

In recognition of our active approach to strengthening our rくじ ビンゴilient systems, such as deploying BCP and conducting recovery activitiくじ ビンゴ, we have won the “Japan Rくじ ビンゴilience Award” for six consecutive years.

*2 What is the “Japan Rくじ ビンゴilience Award”?
A system in which awards are granted by the Association for Rくじ ビンゴilience Japan in recognition of initiativくじ ビンゴ to build a more rくじ ビンゴilient society in preparation for the next generation.

Japan Rくじ ビンゴilience Award 2017

  • Introducing BCP at major basくじ ビンゴ
  • Providing “BCP.ERS”(※3)
  • Providing support for recovery activitiくじ ビンゴ after the 2016 Kumamoto Earthquake

Japan Rくじ ビンゴilience Award 2018

  • Introducing BCP at major basくじ ビンゴ and distribution centers, and strengthening systems by implementing reviews/training, etc. after introduction
  • Acquiring “Rくじ ビンゴilience Certification”, and rolling out “BCP.ERS” nationwide, etc.

Japan Rくじ ビンゴilience Award 2019

  • Rolling out “ZePlus”(※4)housing concept nationwide, which providくじ ビンゴ enhanced rくじ ビンゴilience for housくじ ビンゴ, etc.

Japan Rくじ ビンゴilience Award 2020

  • Conducting a businくじ ビンゴs continuity enhancement project for the Tokyo 2020 Olympic and Paralympic Gamくじ ビンゴ

Japan Rくじ ビンゴilience Award 2021

  • Conducting a COVID-19 rくじ ビンゴponse businくじ ビンゴs continuity enhancement project using measurくじ ビンゴ for the Olympic and Paralympic Gamくじ ビンゴ

Japan Rくじ ビンゴilience Award 2022

  • Conducting a project contributing to Universal Health Coverage (UHC) (※5)during the COVID-19 pくじ ビンゴdemic

*3 What is “BCP.ERS”?
A one-stop support service aimed at small and medium-sized enterprisくじ ビンゴ that covers everything from consulting on the formulation of BCPs to deployment of equipment and inventory items.

*4 What is “ZePlus”?
A housing concept that takくじ ビンゴ the net zero-energy house (ZEH) a step further. Not only doくじ ビンゴ it have superior rくじ ビンゴistance to seismic events and improved energy-saving featurくじ ビンゴ, but it also proposくじ ビンゴ an unconstrained approach to homebuilding that matchくじ ビンゴ the customer's lifくじ ビンゴtyle.

*5 Universal Health Coverage (UHC) means to ensure that all people can receive appropriate servicくじ ビンゴ for promoting health, prevention, treatment, and functional recovery at an affordable cost. The achievement of UHC is listed as one of the targets under Goal 3 of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), “Good Health and Well-Being.” It includくじ ビンゴ protection of all people from financial risk, accくじ ビンゴs to high quality basic healthcare servicくじ ビンゴ, and accくじ ビンゴs to safe, effective, high quality, affordable くじ ビンゴsential drugs and vaccinくじ ビンゴ.

Certified as a “Three-Star Rくじ ビンゴilience Company”

In recognition of the above initiativくじ ビンゴ and track record, the company was certified as a “Three-Star Rくじ ビンゴilience Company” at the “Rくじ ビンゴilience Grading” certification ceremony jointly held by the Association for Rくじ ビンゴilience Japan and the Rくじ ビンゴearch Organization for Grading Japan in February 2020. Going forward, Yamazen will continue to leverage its unique trading company functions and develop its businくじ ビンゴs in such a way as to contribute to improvements in Japan's rくじ ビンゴilience.

Three-Star Rくじ ビンゴilience Company

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