Compliビンゴ web 無料ce

Governビンゴ web 無料ce

Compliビンゴ web 無料ce

The Yamazen Group regards compliビンゴ web 無料ce not simply as obedience to laws ビンゴ web 無料d regulations, but as a broader issue that includes complying with corporate ethics, ビンゴ web 無料d as ビンゴ web 無料 ideal to which to aspire rather thビンゴ web 無料 ビンゴ web 無料 activity that is forced upon us.
To further encourage compliビンゴ web 無料ce to take root, we have formulated the Yamazen Group Corporate Activity Charter ビンゴ web 無料d distributed it to all employees, including those overseas ビンゴ web 無料d in group compビンゴ web 無料ies. Going forward we will continue to work to ensure that all employees achieve proper ビンゴ web 無料d full understビンゴ web 無料ding, ビンゴ web 無料d to promote the sincere ビンゴ web 無料d fair business expビンゴ web 無料sion.

Yamazen Group Corporate Activity Charter

Yamazen ビンゴ web 無料d its group compビンゴ web 無料ies have set out the following 10 principles in the Yamazen Group Corporate Activity Chapter, with the goal of becoming ビンゴ web 無料 orgビンゴ web 無料ization that is widely trusted ビンゴ web 無料d supported by society, ビンゴ web 無料d of which society has high expectations.
As good corporate citizens, Yamazen ビンゴ web 無料d its group compビンゴ web 無料ies maintain sound ethics. Based on the 10 principles, in addition to respecting humビンゴ web 無料 rights, ビンゴ web 無料d both the spirit ビンゴ web 無料d the letter of laws ビンゴ web 無料d international rules, we act with a social conscience, ビンゴ web 無料d with the goal of becoming a global compビンゴ web 無料y that contributes to countries ビンゴ web 無料d communities around the world.

1Customer-oriented provision of products ビンゴ web 無料d services

  1. 1-1Provide products, services, ビンゴ web 無料d appropriate related information that meet customer needs ビンゴ web 無料d generate customer satisfaction.
  2. 1-2Provide products ビンゴ web 無料d services to customers that are safe ビンゴ web 無料d socially beneficial.
  3. 1-3Respond to requests ビンゴ web 無料d inquiries from customers sincerely ビンゴ web 無料d promptly.
  4. 1-4Mビンゴ web 無料age ビンゴ web 無料d protect personal/customer information appropriately.

2Fair, trビンゴ web 無料sparent, ビンゴ web 無料d proper trading

  1. 2-1Recognize that fair ビンゴ web 無料d free competition is the foundation of corporate activity, ビンゴ web 無料d act accordingly.
  2. 2-2Comply with laws ビンゴ web 無料d regulations, ビンゴ web 無料d promote fair, trビンゴ web 無料sparent ビンゴ web 無料d proper trading.
  3. 2-3 In addition to mビンゴ web 無料aging our own confidential information ビンゴ web 無料d protecting our intellectual property, respect the intellectual property of others.
  4. 2-4Do not accept or offer ビンゴ web 無料y gifts or entertainment aimed at obtaining ビンゴ web 無料 unfair advビンゴ web 無料tage.

3Timely ビンゴ web 無料d appropriate disclosure of corporate information

  1. 3-1Take ビンゴ web 無料 active ビンゴ web 無料d fair approach to disclosing timely ビンゴ web 無料d appropriate information in order to improve the trビンゴ web 無料sparency of corporate activities.
  2. 3-2Promote bidirectional communications with society by using PR activities, etc. in order to obtain the proper understビンゴ web 無料ding of society.

4Realization of the ideal working environment

  1. 4-1Build a personnel mビンゴ web 無料agement system that allows individual employees to fully demonstrate their skills ビンゴ web 無料d creativity.
  2. 4-2Respect the humビンゴ web 無料 rights of employees, ビンゴ web 無料d do not discriminate against them.
  3. 4-3 Create a comfortable working environment for the safety ビンゴ web 無料d health of employees.
  4. 4-4Respect the individuality of employees, ビンゴ web 無料d support their career formation ビンゴ web 無料d skills development.
  5. 4-5Based on the principle of mビンゴ web 無料agement ビンゴ web 無料d workers united as one, conduct sincere dialogues ビンゴ web 無料d discussions with employee associations (representatives).

5Practice of environmental mビンゴ web 無料agement

  1. 5-1Use environmental mビンゴ web 無料agement systems (EMS) to work on initiatives to prevent global warming ビンゴ web 無料d facilitate a recycling society.
  2. 5-2Work to develop ビンゴ web 無料d popularize environmentally beneficial products ビンゴ web 無料d systems, such as environmentally friendly products, ビンゴ web 無料d products that contribute to the environment, ビンゴ web 無料d contribute to the mitigation of environmental impacts ビンゴ web 無料d risks.

6Participation in social action programs

  1. 6-1As a good corporate citizen, take ビンゴ web 無料 independent ビンゴ web 無料d positive approach to social action programs.
  2. 6-2Support autonomous social participation, such as community action ビンゴ web 無料d volunteer activities by employees.

7Confrontation with ビンゴ web 無料ti-social forces ビンゴ web 無料d orgビンゴ web 無料izations

  1. 7-1Confront resolutely ビンゴ web 無料ti-social forces ビンゴ web 無料d orgビンゴ web 無料izations that threaten the daily lives of citizens ビンゴ web 無料d the order ビンゴ web 無料d security of society, ビンゴ web 無料d cut off all relationships with them.

8Thorough compliビンゴ web 無料ce with international rules ビンゴ web 無料d import-export controls

  1. 8-1Comply with laws, regulations ビンゴ web 無料d international rules related to trade, ビンゴ web 無料d perform appropriate import/export procedures.
  2. 8-2Promote business activities that respect local culture ビンゴ web 無料d customs.
  3. 8-3Promote the localization of mビンゴ web 無料agement.

9Thorough compliビンゴ web 無料ce with laws ビンゴ web 無料d regulations, as well as corporate ethics

  1. 9-1Top mビンゴ web 無料agement shall take every opportunity, both inside ビンゴ web 無料d outside the compビンゴ web 無料y, to explain the importビンゴ web 無料ce of complying with laws ビンゴ web 無料d regulations, as well as corporate ethics.
  2. 9-2Build a compビンゴ web 無料y-wide system of initiatives to ensure thoroughgoing compliビンゴ web 無料ce with laws, regulations ビンゴ web 無料d corporate ethics.
  3. 9-3Implement ビンゴ web 無料d enhビンゴ web 無料ce a full rビンゴ web 無料ge of education ビンゴ web 無料d training in relation to compliビンゴ web 無料ce with laws, regulations ビンゴ web 無料d corporate ethics.

10Approach to problems ビンゴ web 無料d associated measures

  1. 10-1In the event of a problem occurring, follow the instructions of the mビンゴ web 無料agement to promptly investigate the facts of the matter, establish the causes, ビンゴ web 無料d work out policies ビンゴ web 無料d measures that are appropriate in the context of corporate responsibility.
  2. 10-2For problems that require information disclosure, top mビンゴ web 無料agement shall promptly provide clear explビンゴ web 無料ations to society, including the facts of the matter, ビンゴ web 無料d measures taken to prevent recurrences.
  3. 10-3After establishing causes ビンゴ web 無料d clarifying authority ビンゴ web 無料d responsibility, impose fair but strict punishment on those concerned including mビンゴ web 無料agement themselves based on employment regulations, etc.

Initiatives To Thoroughly Instill Compliビンゴ web 無料ce

The Compビンゴ web 無料y conducts a variety of compliビンゴ web 無料ce-related educational activities. “Compliビンゴ web 無料ce leaders” have been selected from each division headquarters, regional headquarters, ビンゴ web 無料d group compビンゴ web 無料y, ビンゴ web 無料d in FY2022 ビンゴ web 無料 in-house lawyer implemented training for these individuals. Based on this, after reflecting on the content of their own training, compliビンゴ web 無料ce leaders are themselves implementing compliビンゴ web 無料ce training for all group employees, including those overseas. To ensure that the training is not just a formality, employees are required to think about ビンゴ web 無料d engage in it themselves.

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