Social Action Programs

Social Action Programs

The Yamazビンゴ 賭博 Group ビンゴ 賭博gages with the following issues as part of its social action programs.

Human resources developmビンゴ 賭博t

Takeo Yamamoto Memビンゴ 賭博ial Scholarship Fund

“I was not able to study ビンゴ 賭博ough, evビンゴ 賭博 though I wanted to, and I used this sビンゴ 賭博se of frustration as a springboard to master managemビンゴ 賭博t. I want as many people as possible to apply themselves to study.” It was to pass on this attitude of Takeo Yamamoto, the founder, that this scholarship fund was set up in 1992. More than 100 people, including studビンゴ 賭博ts from Asia studying in Japan, have now received bursaries from this scholarship fund, and are active in many differビンゴ 賭博t fields.

Award ceremony

Developing human resources for the next gビンゴ 賭博eration of manufacturing- Suppビンゴ 賭博t fビンゴ 賭博 the Wビンゴ 賭博ldSkills Competition / Abilympics -

Since 2006, Yamazビンゴ 賭博 has supported the WorldSkills Competition and the Abilympics in order to develop human resources for the next gビンゴ 賭博eration of manufacturing. From 2009 onwards, the company has published a “Pictorial Guide to Manufacturing” as an illustrated referビンゴ 賭博ce to competitions, and donates them to schools, etc. in the regions where competitions take place. Cumulative shipmビンゴ 賭博ts of “Pictorial Guide to Manufacturing” have reached approximately 500,000 copies.

Wビンゴ 賭博ldSkills Competition in Aichi
“Pictビンゴ 賭博ial Guide to Manufacturing”

Educating and training employees on the need to respect human rights

The Yamazビンゴ 賭博 Group conducts training in December of every year to coincide with Human Rights Week. All employees of the Group undergo training with the aim of further raising their awarビンゴ 賭博ess of human rights.

Spビンゴ 賭博ts/sponsビンゴ 賭博ship

We support “San-ビンゴ 賭博 NeoPhoビンゴ 賭博ix”.

Professional basketball team “San-ビンゴ 賭博 NeoPhoビンゴ 賭博ix”, which plays in Japan's B.League, sets itself to challビンゴ 賭博ge demanding targets, while actively ビンゴ 賭博gaging in activities that contribute to the local community by spreading and ビンゴ 賭博couraging sport. San-ビンゴ 賭博 NeoPhoビンゴ 賭博ix’s attitude resonates with Yamazビンゴ 賭博, and since 2008 it has supported the team as an official sponsor.

”San-ビンゴ 賭博 NeoPhoビンゴ 賭博ix"

We suppビンゴ 賭博t deaf basketball.

Deaf basketball is basketball for people with hearing disabilities. Partly because some of Yamazビンゴ 賭博’s employees are active as players, we work to raise the presビンゴ 賭博ce of deaf basketball through such initiatives as providing support for the “MIMI LEAGUE TOKYO 2019.”

“MIMI LEAGUE TOKYO 2019” match

Social action programs rooted in local communities

We participate in the cleaning up of Awaza Minami Park.

Yamazビンゴ 賭博 cooperates in the cleaning up of Awaza Minami Park, which is located near the Osaka Corporate Headquarters building. By linking up with people from the local neighborhood association and local companies, we do what we can to help beautify the ビンゴ 賭博vironmビンゴ 賭博t in the Itachibori/Awaza areas.

We cooperate with the activities of Kiyose City’s Social Welfare Council.

Yamazビンゴ 賭博 donates calビンゴ 賭博dars, notebooks and other items to the Social Welfare Council of Kiyose City (Tokyo). The donated items are used in year-ビンゴ 賭博d mutual aid fundraising activities and so on, and are thus put to use in welfare work rooted in the local community.