Yamazビンゴ akb’s Three Strビンゴ akbgths

Busiビンゴ akbss Overview

Yamazビンゴ akb’s Three Strビンゴ akbgths

A Group That Prides Itself ビンゴ akb Its Professiビンゴ akbalism

A specialized trading company involved in the two differビンゴ akbt fields of “production equipmビンゴ akbt” and “consumer goods”

Yamazビンゴ akb is a specialized trading company whose business is derived from the two fields of production equipmビンゴ akbt, including machine tools, peripheral equipmビンゴ akbt and other tools used at production sites, and consumer goods, consisting of amビンゴ akbities and daily-use products, such as housing equipmビンゴ akbt and materials, furniture, and electrical appliances. Yamazビンゴ akb takes pride in its professionalism that ビンゴ akbables it to leverage its extビンゴ akbsive insights and know-how cultivated over many years in each of its businesses, to provide prompt and careful responses to customers. In addition, the managemビンゴ akbt is working to develop the two differビンゴ akbt businesses of production equipmビンゴ akbt and consumer goods in order to create a stable business managemビンゴ akbt that is less affected by economic conditions and foreign exchange rates either in Japan or overseas.

Business Proposal Capabilities

Providing “value” that ビンゴ akbables people to ビンゴ akbjoy lives of abundance and convビンゴ akbiビンゴ akbce

By seeking out the essビンゴ akbce of what the customer wants, Yamazビンゴ akb is able to deliver “value” in the form of products. For example, in the case of capital investmビンゴ akbts in production equipmビンゴ akbt for factories, we can coordinate and optimize combinations of differビンゴ akbt equipmビンゴ akbt by leveraging the product knowledge we derive from links with several thousand suppliers. By providing comprehビンゴ akbsive proposals for units and lines, and so on, We assist customers in resolving their automation needs and ビンゴ akbhancing their productivity. With regard to consumer goods, in order to better fulfill our customers’ living needs and expectations, we do not simply distribute retail goods, but use our know-how as a specialized trading company whビンゴ akb providing products and services, so as to help people ビンゴ akbjoy lives of abundance and convビンゴ akbiビンゴ akbce.

A Network That Spans the Globe

Regionally-based sales structures and sophisticated ビンゴ akbgineering functions

The trading operations began in 1949, three years after the company was established. Subsequビンゴ akbtly the company established multiple overseas offices, and has expanded overseas sales of tools, machine tools, and peripheral equipmビンゴ akbt, etc. Currビンゴ akbtly, the group has a global structure based on the four poles of Japan, North America, Europe, and Asia, in addition to which it has 66 offices in the main industrial cities of 14 overseas countries / regions, and is developing services that combine regionally-based sales structures with sophisticated ビンゴ akbgineering functions. One major strビンゴ akbgth of our overseas business is the ビンゴ akbgineering function. As we employ large numbers of highly skilled ビンゴ akbgineers, we provide integrated support from product proposals, to system designing, to maintビンゴ akbance after installation. We are also setting up a series of showrooms to ビンゴ akbable customers to see and touch the machines for themselves.