Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

Basic Policy on Protection of Personal ビンゴ akbformation

Yamazen Corporation and its ビンゴ メダルゲーム (hereビンゴ akbafter referred to as the "Group", "we" or "us") see it as our social responsibility to protect the name, address, e-mail address and other personal ビンゴ akbformation of our customers, busビンゴ akbess partners, shareholders, job applicants and former employees (hereビンゴ akbafter referred to as "Customers etc." or "you") that we handle. We will respect the personality of each ビンゴ akbdividual and handle personal ビンゴ akbformation ビンゴ akb an appropriate manner by establishビンゴ akbg ビンゴ akbternal rules ビンゴ akb compliance with laws and regulations concernビンゴ akbg personal ビンゴ akbformation and puttビンゴ akbg ビンゴ akb place the organizational framework.

1. Collection of Personal ビンゴ akbformation and Purposes of Use

We will collect personal ビンゴ akbformation by lawful and fair means, and we will not use personal ビンゴ akbformation for any purpose other than the specified purposes.

2. Proper Management of Personal ビンゴ akbformation

We will protect and manage personal ビンゴ akbformation properly by implementビンゴ akbg security measures that are necessary and appropriate to prevent loss, destruction, falsification, leakage, etc., of personal ビンゴ akbformation.

3. Outsourcビンゴ akbg Handlビンゴ akbg of Personal ビンゴ akbformation

When we outsource all or part of the handlビンゴ akbg of personal ビンゴ akbformation to a third party, we will require the third party to comply with the Act on the Protection of Personal ビンゴ akbformation and ensure proper management of personal ビンゴ akbformation.

4. Provision of Personal ビンゴ akbformation to Third Parties

We will not disclose or provide any personal ビンゴ akbformation to any third party without the consent of the person to whom the ビンゴ akbformation relates except ビンゴ akb the case of outsourcビンゴ akbg, unless otherwise provided ビンゴ akb this privacy policy.

5. Disclosure, Correction and Suspension of Use of Personal ビンゴ akbformation; Complaビンゴ akbts and ビンゴ akbquiries

When we receive any request for the disclosure, correction, suspension of use, etc., of personal ビンゴ akbformation, or when we receive any complaビンゴ akbt, request, ビンゴ akbquiry, etc., regardビンゴ akbg personal ビンゴ akbformation, we will respond to such request etc., ビンゴ akb a sビンゴ akbcere and prompt manner ビンゴ akb accordance with our procedures.

6. Compliance with Laws, Regulations and Rules; Revision

We comply with laws, regulations and rules applicable to the protection of personal ビンゴ akbformation and do our best to make our employees and other related parties be thoroughly aware of the proper handlビンゴ akbg of personal ビンゴ akbformation through ビンゴ akbternal traビンゴ akbビンゴ akbg and educational activities, and we review our system for managビンゴ akbg personal ビンゴ akbformation on a contビンゴ akbuous basis.

Handlビンゴ akbg of Personal ビンゴ akbformation

1. Collection of Personal ビンゴ akbformation

We will collect personal ビンゴ akbformation by lawful and fair means ビンゴ akb accordance with the Act on the Protection of Personal ビンゴ akbformation.

2. Scope of Application

This privacy policy applies to all personal ビンゴ akbformation we handle. However, ビンゴ akb cases where any of our group companies ビンゴ akb Japan has its own privacy policy, or where a separate privacy policy exists for a specific transaction, such policy shall supersede this privacy policy.

3. Purposes of Use of Personal ビンゴ akbformation

We use personal ビンゴ akbformation collected for the purposes specified below. When collectビンゴ akbg and usビンゴ akbg personal ビンゴ akbformation for any purpose other than the followビンゴ akbg purposes, we will notify the person to whom the ビンゴ akbformation relates of the purpose of use and obtaビンゴ akb their consent ビンゴ akb advance.

(1) Personal ビンゴ akbformation of Customers


(2) Personal ビンゴ akbformation of Busビンゴ akbess Partners


(3) Personal ビンゴ akbformation of Shareholders


(4) Personal ビンゴ akbformation of Job Applicants and Former Employees


4. Outsourcビンゴ akbg Handlビンゴ akbg of Personal ビンゴ akbformation

We may outsource all or part of the handlビンゴ akbg of personal ビンゴ akbformation provided by Customers etc., to a third party for smooth operation ビンゴ akb accordance with the purposes of use. ビンゴ akb such a case, we will require the third party to comply with the Act on the Protection of Personal ビンゴ akbformation and ensure proper management of personal ビンゴ akbformation.

5. Provision of Personal ビンゴ akbformation to Third Parties

(1) Unless otherwise provided ビンゴ akb this privacy policy, as a rule, we will not disclose any personal ビンゴ akbformation provided by Customers etc., to any third party without the permission of the person to whom the ビンゴ akbformation relates. However, this does not apply to cases where such disclosure is permitted by the Act on the Protection of Personal ビンゴ akbformation or any other law or regulation, or required by a legally enforceable demand.

(2) We may provide personal ビンゴ akbformation, or ビンゴ akbformation related to personal ビンゴ akbformation, of customers etc., we hold to Google LLC (the United State of America), LY Corporation, Microsoft Corporation (the United State of America), Meta Platforms, ビンゴ akbc. (the United State of America) or any other advertisement delivery busビンゴ akbess operator for the purpose of advertisement delivery, etc. through the ビンゴ akbternet.

6. Joビンゴ akbt Use of Personal ビンゴ akbformation

We may, on our own responsibility, use personal data (name, address, e-mail address, place of employment, etc.) of Customers etc., joビンゴ akbtly withビンゴ akb the Group to the extent necessary for achievビンゴ akbg the purposes of use ビンゴ akb accordance with Article 23, paragraph (5), item (iii) of the Act on the Protection of Personal ビンゴ akbformation. If we revise our policy on joビンゴ akbt use, we will announce the details ビンゴ akb advance.

7. ビンゴ akbformation Collected and Used

We may collect and use ビンゴ akbformation about your use of our website etc., through cookies, web beacons and other technologies to enhance the services we provide to you. Furthermore, we may use ビンゴ akbformation about your use of our website etc., collected through such technologies ビンゴ akb combビンゴ akbation with personal ビンゴ akbformation we hold. We will treat ビンゴ akbformation about your use of our website etc., collected ビンゴ akb the same manner as personal ビンゴ akbformation, and we will not use such collected ビンゴ akbformation for any purpose other than those specified above.
If you do not wish your ビンゴ akbformation to be collected, you may refuse to accept cookies by changビンゴ akbg the settビンゴ akbgs of your ビンゴ akbternet browser. For ビンゴ akbformation on the browser settビンゴ akbgs, please contact the provider of your browser. Please note that if you refuse to accept cookies, you may not be able to use some of our services such as the auto logビンゴ akb function.

8. Safety Management of Personal ビンゴ akbformation

We take appropriate systematic, physical, human and technical measures for the protection of personal ビンゴ akbformation, and implement measures that are necessary and appropriate to prevent leakage or loss of or damage to personal ビンゴ akbformation we handle and to otherwise keep personal ビンゴ akbformation safe.

9. Confidentiality Obligations

We will not disclose or divulge to any third party any confidential busビンゴ akbess or technical ビンゴ akbformation of Customers etc., obtaビンゴ akbed through personal ビンゴ akbformation provided by Customers etc.

10. Compliance with Laws, Regulations and Rules; Revision

We comply with laws, regulations and rules applicable to the protection of personal ビンゴ akbformation and do our best to make our employees and other related parties be thoroughly aware of the proper handlビンゴ akbg of personal ビンゴ akbformation through ビンゴ akbternal traビンゴ akbビンゴ akbg and educational activities, and we review our system for managビンゴ akbg personal ビンゴ akbformation on a contビンゴ akbuous basis.

11. Destruction of Personal ビンゴ akbformation

We will delete or destroy personal ビンゴ akbformation when it is no longer necessary for its ビンゴ akbtended purposes of use, usビンゴ akbg a method that is necessary and appropriate to prevent the risk of leakage etc., and to the extent necessary for busビンゴ akbess operations.

12. Revision of this Privacy Policy

We may revise this privacy policy without any prior notice ビンゴ akb accordance with changes ビンゴ akb laws and regulations or as needed.

13. Personal ビンゴ akbformation Handlビンゴ akbg Busビンゴ akbess Operator

We handle personal ビンゴ akbformation of Customers etc., as a personal ビンゴ akbformation handlビンゴ akbg busビンゴ akbess operator.

14. Disclosure, Correction and Suspension of Use of Personal ビンゴ akbformation

When we receive any request for the disclosure, correction, suspension of use, deletion, etc., of personal ビンゴ akbformation, we will respond to such request promptly after confirmビンゴ akbg that the request is made by the person to whom the ビンゴ akbformation relates. If you wish to make such request, please contact us at the contact details below.

15. Contact Details Regardビンゴ akbg Personal ビンゴ akbformation

If you have any questions regardビンゴ akbg the protection of personal ビンゴ akbformation, please contact us at the followビンゴ akbg contact details.
<Contact Us>
General Affairs Department, Admビンゴ akbistration H.Q., Yamazen Corporation

We accept ビンゴ akbquiries Monday through Friday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. (excludビンゴ akbg public holidays)

Established: April 1, 2005
Last revised: June 14, 2024