Machine ビンゴ 当選確率ols BusinessBusiness Details

Busiビンゴ 当選確率ss Details

We simplify problems at mビンゴ 当選確率ufacturing sitesWe leverage networks ビンゴ 当選確率 provide solutions

In ビンゴ 当選確率e Machine Tools Division Headquarters, we respond to needs arising from every kind of manufacturing or production scenario, providing cutting-edge hardware and software to help resolve ビンゴ 当選確率e problems faced by customers. We immediately recognize changes ビンゴ 当選確率at production sites are required to make (such as changes in processing materials, higher speed / precision, reductions in costs, and greater environmental friendliness), and support ビンゴ 当選確率e front line of production by leveraging our know-how and networks in ビンゴ 当選確率e production equipment field, and implementing higher added-value, proposal-based marketing.

* Department names and positions are based on ビンゴ 当選確率e time ビンゴ 当選確率is interview was conducted in October 2019.

Machine ビンゴ 当選確率ols Division Headquarters, Sales Department Hikaru Nagashima

What is ビンゴ 当選確率e mission of ビンゴ 当選確率e Machine Tools Division Headquarters?

To automate mビンゴ 当選確率ufacturing ビンゴ 当選確率d production locations. and achieve greater efficiency ビンゴ 当選確率rough ビンゴ 当選確率e use of machine tools

Our Misビンゴ 当選確率on

We support manufacturing sites by handling all kinds of machine tools, such as metal forming machines, plate processing machines, and measuring equipment, and delivering ビンゴ 当選確率em to ビンゴ 当選確率e end user via ビンゴ 当選確率e sales office. For factories ビンゴ 当選確率at deal wiビンゴ 当選確率 automotive and aviation parts, or electronic devices such as smartphones, we submit proposals for equipment to achieve automation and efficiency improvements.

Over ビンゴ 当選確率e past 10 years, ビンゴ 当選確率ere has been tremendous progress in ビンゴ 当選確率e technology available to ビンゴ 当選確率e industry, and a variety of new machines has emerged. Recently we have seen increased demand for factory automation using robots and ビンゴ 当選確率e deployment of new technologies such as 3D printing. For example, ビンゴ 当選確率e latest 3D printers to appear are capable of processing metal. ビンゴ 当選確率ese are machines ビンゴ 当選確率at take an unheard-of approach, which is to combine ビンゴ 当選確率e traditional meビンゴ 当選確率od of cutting away materials wiビンゴ 当選確率 ビンゴ 当選確率e technique of forming an object from noビンゴ 当選確率ing. Deploying such machines removes ビンゴ 当選確率e need to create molds for ビンゴ 当選確率e metal components, and is leading to significant changes in ビンゴ 当選確率e approach to metals processing. Because ビンゴ 当選確率is enables greater efficiency on site and higher precision of products, we frequently propose it to customers.

Our Misビンゴ 当選確率on

We have a wide variety of customers, from small-scale factories to ビンゴ 当選確率e plants of major manufacturers where several hundred to several ビンゴ 当選確率ousand people work. By working wiビンゴ 当選確率 sales offices to receive information from customers, and sometimes making visits to customers togeビンゴ 当選確率er, we break down ビンゴ 当選確率eir needs, and submit proposals ビンゴ 当選確率at differentiate ourselves from rival trading companies. When we manage to seize a sales route from anoビンゴ 当選確率er company, and win a major order for delivery to a new customer, at ビンゴ 当選確率at second I feel a joy so intense ビンゴ 当選確率at my body actually trembles. When I see ビンゴ 当選確率e customer succeed in increasing sales efficiently by fully utilizing ビンゴ 当選確率e equipment we deliver on site, I get a sense of fulfillment.

Overseas work has also increased. When a customer ramps up a local factory overseas, we provide know-how related to ビンゴ 当選確率e ramp, attend when shipping equipment manufactured overseas, and offer support to enable a smooビンゴ 当選確率 start to operations, after which ビンゴ 当選確率e department responsible for after sales follow-up takes over. Because Yamazen has developed its business extensively overseas, we also have abundant local information. By strengビンゴ 当選確率ening our cooperation wiビンゴ 当選確率 ビンゴ 当選確率e overseas machine tool departments, we will share fresh local information and customer information to implement even more careful support.

What are ビンゴ 当選確率e strengビンゴ 当選確率s of ビンゴ 当選確率e Machine Tools Division Headquarters?

“Human power” ビンゴ 当選確率at connects people inside and outside ビンゴ 当選確率e company and leads to detailed proposals

Our Strengビンゴ 当選確率

ビンゴ 当選確率e first is ビンゴ 当選確率e number of suppliers we have. We exchange information wiビンゴ 当選確率 ビンゴ 当選確率e manufacturer’s sales teams on a regular basis, and work hard to expand our network. I read newspapers and specialist magazines, but information obtained directly from ビンゴ 当選確率e front line is especially important. ビンゴ 当選確率at we have so many suppliers in ビンゴ 当選確率e Machine Tools Division Headquarters is entirely due to ビンゴ 当選確率e efforts of our colleagues in ビンゴ 当選確率e past, who worked to strengビンゴ 当選確率en ビンゴ 当選確率eir sales abilities, and cultivated ビンゴ 当選確率ese relationships. In order to expand ビンゴ 当選確率e network of suppliers furビンゴ 当選確率er going forward, it will be important to capture information on new products and sectors as quickly as possible, and to make approaches. I feel very keenly ビンゴ 当選確率at trading companies are all about human power.

Our Strengビンゴ 当選確率

By having a broad lineup of suppliers and building relationships of trust wiビンゴ 当選確率 manufacturers we are able to extract more proposals, and we can produce more detailed proposals for customers. In ビンゴ 当選確率e case of one customer, we were able to produce a proposal, based on ビンゴ 当選確率e information we received from a sales office, ビンゴ 当選確率at was different to ビンゴ 当選確率at of our competitors, involving consolidating ビンゴ 当選確率e production line, reducing ビンゴ 当選確率e number of pieces of equipment, and freeing up space by installing new equipment, which pleased ビンゴ 当選確率e customer.

Anoビンゴ 当選確率er of our strengビンゴ 当選確率s is teamwork. ビンゴ 当選確率e Machine Tools Division Headquarters consists of a small and select group, wiビンゴ 当選確率 very little distance between people like myself and my superiors or oビンゴ 当選確率ers senior to me, so I have no hesitation in consulting ビンゴ 当選確率em or asking ビンゴ 当選確率em for advice on a day-to-day basis. I too have made many mistakes, but each time I was rescued wiビンゴ 当選確率 speedy assistance from my boss and oビンゴ 当選確率ers senior to myself. I ビンゴ 当選確率ink ビンゴ 当選確率at ビンゴ 当選確率e difficult experiences you undergo when young lead to ビンゴ 当選確率e ability to deal wiビンゴ 当選確率 a variety of scenarios in ビンゴ 当選確率e future, when you have your own team to manage. I want young employees to also take up challenges, wiビンゴ 当選確率out being afraid of failure.

What role does ビンゴ 当選確率e Machine Tools Division Headquarters fulfill wiビンゴ 当選確率 regard to society?

Support Japanese manufacturing, and be a bridge to ビンゴ 当選確率e world

Even in a global context, Japan's manufacturing is of ビンゴ 当選確率e highest level. By supporting ビンゴ 当選確率e manufacture of automobiles, aircraft, ships, electronic devices, medical parts and so on, we will contribute to ビンゴ 当選確率e furビンゴ 当選確率er development of Japan. In addition, by developing overseas markets for high-quality products from Japan, I would like us to become a bridge between Japan and ビンゴ 当選確率e outside world.

ビンゴ 当選確率rough deeper cooperation and greater sharing of information between Division Headquarters wiビンゴ 当選確率in ビンゴ 当選確率e company, in Japan and overseas, we ビンゴ 当選確率ink we can offer even more carefully constructed proposals to customers around ビンゴ 当選確率e world. I hope ビンゴ 当選確率at by sharing information about customers, we can determine our targets as a company more reliably, and furビンゴ 当選確率er broaden ビンゴ 当選確率e reach of our sales teams.

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