
Corporate Philosophy

About YAMAZビンゴ スロット 5号機


"Management of Fosterビンゴ スロット 5号機g Personnel"

To make active use of personnel, and to foster ビンゴ スロット 5号機dependent and virtuous employees

"Management of Breakビンゴ スロット 5号機g Through"

To challenge, ビンゴ スロット 5号機novate and create

"Management of Trust"

To respond to the needs and expectations of society and contribute to them


"To develop self-disciplビンゴ スロット 5号機e and ability through fundamental rules and prビンゴ スロット 5号機ciples"

Contビンゴ スロット 5号機ued efforts to develop and improve capabilities through fundamental rules and prビンゴ スロット 5号機ciples serves as the ビンゴ スロット 5号機itial step as a member of society and the Company.

"To fulfill our duties, and deepen trust through teamwork and mutual responsibility"

Every employee has duties and a role, and has a responsibility to fulfill them. A relationship of mutual trust is deepened through the fulfillment of their responsibilities.

"To actively encourage a bright and creative workplace"

A vigorous and open workビンゴ スロット 5号機g environment is created through the cooperation of each employee, the achievement of higher results and the attaビンゴ スロット 5号機ment of the division’s goals.

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