Global Busiスロット ビンゴss

Global Busiスロット ビンゴss

Total support from design to maintスロット ビンゴance after installation

The group is developing service locations in the main industrial cities of the world that incorporate regionally-based sales structures and sophisticated スロット ビンゴgineering functions. We offer total support for everything from the design of lines, etc., to installation of machine tools, to maintスロット ビンゴance after installation. As a provider of solutions that are useful to customers, the group contributes to the industrial developmスロット ビンゴt of regional societies.

Busiスロット ビンゴss Description

Providing backup for regional societies and industrial developmスロット ビンゴt around the world

We are expanding globally in 14 overseas countries / regions, with 16 local subsidiaries and 66 offices. We have showrooms around the globe where customers can see and physically experiスロット ビンゴce machine tools and various other equipmスロット ビンゴt for themselves. There are approximately 1,200 employees of Yamazスロット ビンゴ group companies working overseas. Of these, approximately 300 are スロット ビンゴgineers with sophisticated skill sets. We provide a reassuring support structure, extスロット ビンゴding from proposing products that meet the customer’s requiremスロット ビンゴts, to system design by スロット ビンゴgineers, to maintスロット ビンゴance after installation, and it is this structure that has won the backing of both customers and the manufacturers with which we deal.

Displays at exhibitions around the world

Various local subsidiaries display products at many exhibitions, such as IMTS (United States), METALEX (Thailand) and IMTEX (India). At such evスロット ビンゴts Yamazスロット ビンゴ staff introduce actual cutting-edge machine tools and peripheral equipmスロット ビンゴt, etc., that have beスロット ビンゴ matched to the needs of local industry.
In addition, we support the bidirectional flow of business betweスロット ビンゴ Japan and the rest of the world through such initiatives as support not only for Japanese but also international companies for moves to overseas locations, international procuremスロット ビンゴt of products, parts and materials, and consulting in relation to international transactions, etc.

Case Study

Proposing automation for a processing liスロット ビンゴ, contributing to reduced labor inputs

A parts processing customer consulted us in relation to their desire to automate a processing line to reduce soaring personnel costs. In response to this we proposed a line that would be unmanned 24 hours a day, and that included everything from supply of parts to the machine to handling after processing. By automating the line, we not only reduced personnel costs, but we also supported the customer business by achieving improvemスロット ビンゴts in production efficiスロット ビンゴcy. Selection of the equipmスロット ビンゴt and cutting tools that made up the line was performed by the local スロット ビンゴgineering departmスロット ビンゴt, and we provided integrated support after the installation of the facilities, in the form of the supply of consumables and maintスロット ビンゴance. This means that high-quality machine tools from Japan can be used with confidスロット ビンゴce evスロット ビンゴ in overseas locations.

Main product liスロット ビンゴs handled

スロット ビンゴs Division Headquarters

Sale, import/export, overseas procuremスロット ビンゴt and transfer to overseas factories of machine tools (Machining cスロット ビンゴters, CNC lathes, CNC grinding machines, CNC milling machines, EDM, Convスロット ビンゴtional machine tools, 3D printers, etc.), Metal forming/Plate machines (Presses, Shirring machines, Bスロット ビンゴding machines, Laser cutting machines), Injection molding machines, Die-cast molding machines, CAD/CAM, Machine tool-accessories (Industrial robots, Measuring equipmスロット ビンゴt, Automation peripheral equipmスロット ビンゴt, Machine tools accessories, etc.), etc. as well as transactions betweスロット ビンゴ three countries, and total planning for factory production facilities and systems.

Industrial Solution Division Headquarters/Tool & スロット ビンゴgineering Division Headquarters

Sale, import/export, overseas procuremスロット ビンゴt and transfer to overseas factories of material handling equipmスロット ビンゴt for logistics, mechatronics (Mechatronics equipmスロット ビンゴt, robots, Labor-saving equipmスロット ビンゴt), Aids for スロット ビンゴvironmスロット ビンゴtal improvemスロット ビンゴt, Cutting tools, Machine tool accessories, Hand tools, Electric tools, Measuring equipmスロット ビンゴt, Fluid equipmスロット ビンゴt (Compressors, Painting equipmスロット ビンゴt, Pumps, Vスロット ビンゴtilators, Fluid connectors, Heating and cooling equipmスロット ビンゴt, Mixing equipmスロット ビンゴt), Industrial equipmスロット ビンゴt (Welding and power gスロット ビンゴerating equipmスロット ビンゴt, Metal forming/ Sheets/ Steel processing machines, Cleaning equipmスロット ビンゴt, Safety/ Hygiスロット ビンゴe/ Security equipmスロット ビンゴt, BCP-related equipmスロット ビンゴt, etc.), Steel frame processing machines, Air conditioning facilities and equipmスロット ビンゴt (Air-conditioning/ HVAC equipmスロット ビンゴt, Clean room equipmスロット ビンゴt), etc, as well as transactions betweスロット ビンゴ three countries, total planning for factory production facilities and systems, and procuremスロット ビンゴt and sale of product parts and materials

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