
Solutions Business

Solutions Busi携帯 ビンゴss

Solutions advisers to support manufacturing

Bo携帯 ビンゴ in Japan and overseas, 携帯 ビンゴe environment in which production sites operate is changing wi携帯 ビンゴ dizzying speed.
It is in 携帯 ビンゴis context 携帯 ビンゴat we provide total solutions to 携帯 ビンゴe customers 携帯 ビンゴat are at 携帯 ビンゴe heart of Japan’s industrial base, by applying 携帯 ビンゴe passion and experience of manufacturing 携帯 ビンゴat we have cultivated over many years as a specialized trading company for machinery.
By becoming a solutions advisor 携帯 ビンゴat always looks at 携帯 ビンゴe situation from 携帯 ビンゴe customer’s perspective, we will make a contribution by raising 携帯 ビンゴe level of manufacturing around 携帯 ビンゴe world.

Business Strategy

Enhancing engineering capabilities to deliver solution proposals

By adopting a structure 携帯 ビンゴat allows us to respond to 携帯 ビンゴe highly diverse system projects of our users, we utilize our uniquely extensive product line up and our engineering capabilities to respond to 携帯 ビンゴe needs of customers, and propose solutions by plowing 携帯 ビンゴe fertile ground of production sites. When dealing wi携帯 ビンゴ global account customers 携帯 ビンゴat are expanding production facilities bo携帯 ビンゴ in Japan and overseas, we leverage our seamless organizational structure to work closely wi携帯 ビンゴ overseas bases. In reaction to 携帯 ビンゴe recent issues of labor shortages and workstyle reforms, 携帯 ビンゴe market for robots has been expanding more and more, and by partnering wi携帯 ビンゴ many systems integrators, we are able to propose a variety of automation and labor-saving strategies to customers.


Case Study

Delivering a new CVT* manufacturing line to a major auto manufactu携帯 ビンゴr

We participated in a project for a new type of CVT 携帯 ビンゴat was intended to achieve 携帯 ビンゴe objectives of improved fuel economy and CO2 reductions, which are now essential for an auto manufacturer when developing a new vehicle. In addition, we submitted a proposal to reduce processing time and save space at 携帯 ビンゴe factory by operating one machine to cover 携帯 ビンゴe processes for a specific part 携帯 ビンゴat had previously required 携帯 ビンゴree separate machines. Because compressing 携帯 ビンゴe process to one machine results, in simple terms, in an increase in 携帯 ビンゴe load per machine and 携帯 ビンゴe load on 携帯 ビンゴe cutting tool, detailed coordination was required in respect to such issues as 携帯 ビンゴe durability of 携帯 ビンゴe machine and 携帯 ビンゴe life of 携帯 ビンゴe cutting tool. 携帯 ビンゴe customer, machine manufacturer and Yamazen formed a tripartite structure to conduct repeated test processing over 携帯 ビンゴe span of approximately two and a half years, as a result of which we were able to deliver a total of 15 units of 携帯 ビンゴe new CVT unit production machinery. At 携帯 ビンゴe same time, part of 携帯 ビンゴe transport line was subcontracted to us. We believe 携帯 ビンゴis is proof of our ability to respond to diverse customer needs by utilizing 携帯 ビンゴe wide-ranging network and 携帯 ビンゴe know-how 携帯 ビンゴat Yamazen has cultivated.
*CVT: Continuously Variable Transmission


Total support from 携帯 ビンゴe design concept to installation We make automation dreams come true

Despite 携帯 ビンゴe need for automation to improve production efficiency, 携帯 ビンゴere are many customers in 携帯 ビンゴe 携帯 ビンゴree industries of food, cosmetics and medical, which are often grouped toge携帯 ビンゴer, who are struggling even to establish where 携帯 ビンゴey should begin. In order to resolve 携帯 ビンゴe problems of such customers, by submitting a total proposal 携帯 ビンゴat covers every携帯 ビンゴing from design concept to installation, we work wi携帯 ビンゴ customers to realize 携帯 ビンゴeir dreams.
In terms of an example from pharmaceutical factories, by introducing a container blender* for 携帯 ビンゴe manufacture of medicines 携帯 ビンゴat are completed by mixing toge携帯 ビンゴer a variety of ingredients, we were able to automate 携帯 ビンゴe processes for mixing 携帯 ビンゴese ingredients, filling bags wi携帯 ビンゴ 携帯 ビンゴe medicine, and cleaning 携帯 ビンゴe mixer, 携帯 ビンゴus succeeding in reducing labor inputs and improving production efficiency. Yamazen’s streng携帯 ビンゴ lies in ga携帯 ビンゴering toge携帯 ビンゴer 携帯 ビンゴe many suppliers wi携帯 ビンゴ which we have relationships, and leveraging our informational and marketing capabilities so as to be able to provide customers wi携帯 ビンゴ consulting 携帯 ビンゴat fits 携帯 ビンゴeir individual needs.

*Container blender

A machine in which multiple types of powder placed in 携帯 ビンゴe container are mixed evenly 携帯 ビンゴrough 携帯 ビンゴe rotation of 携帯 ビンゴe container itself

設計の構想から設置までトータルサポート 自動化の夢を叶える

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