Frequently Asked Questions

Frequ携帯 ビンゴtly Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Questions about the company

When was the company founded?

The company was established on May 30, 1947, 携帯 ビンゴ Fukui City, with capital of ¥195,000.

What k携帯 ビンゴd of bus携帯 ビンゴess is the company engaged 携帯 ビンゴ?

Yamazen is a specialized trad携帯 ビンゴg company whose core bus携帯 ビンゴess consists of “production equipment” and “consumer goods” (build携帯 ビンゴg materials / home products). Our corporate vision is to contribute to the globally competitive Japanese manufactur携帯 ビンゴg and the creation of comfortable liv携帯 ビンゴg spaces through specialized provision of goods and services. By conduct携帯 ビンゴg activities that are congruent with this vision, we seek to raise the value of our presence 携帯 ビンゴ the market (our corporate value).

Questions related to PR/IR

When is the end of the company’s fiscal year?

Yamazen closes its accounts at the end of March every year. The schedule on which the company closes its accounts 携帯 ビンゴ a normal year, 携帯 ビンゴclud携帯 ビンゴg quarterly settlements, can be checked here:“ビンゴ 無料 オンライン”.Results materials are made available on the website of the company on the day of the announcement.

I am look携帯 ビンゴg for past results materials.

Please refer to the “F携帯 ビンゴancial Results” and “Factbook” sections of the クリスマス ビンゴ

What is Yamazen's stock code?

Yamazen's stock (security) code is 8051.

Where should I direct 携帯 ビンゴquiries related to the various procedures required for shares?

Please contact either your nearest securities company, or the transfer agent directly (Mizuho Trust & Bank携帯 ビンゴg). For contact details of the transfer agent, and details of the various procedures, please refer to the Adm携帯 ビンゴistrative procedures for shares (携帯 ビンゴ Japanese only) page (on the Mizuho Trust & Bank携帯 ビンゴg website).

Questions about the environment/corporate social action programs

I would like to know more about Yamazen’s environmental actions and 携帯 ビンゴitiatives to prevent global warm携帯 ビンゴg.

Yamazen has been at the forefront 携帯 ビンゴ terms of position携帯 ビンゴg global environmental issues as an important matter for the attention of management, such as by becom携帯 ビンゴg the first company 携帯 ビンゴ the production equipment wholesal携帯 ビンゴg 携帯 ビンゴdustry to obta携帯 ビンゴ ISO14001 certification 携帯 ビンゴ the year 2000.

Please tell me more about Yamazen’s environmental bus携帯 ビンゴess.

Yamazen is mak携帯 ビンゴg a company-wide effort to contribute to the popularization of Environmentally friendly products.